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Anthology Booksellers

Location and Description

Portland, OR

Bookstore Operational Details

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Contact Information

Contact: Gary Wilkie

Upcoming Events


We will be in Booth 6a at the fair and will be featuring several unusual items including the Black Sun edition of ALICE IN WONDERLAND, a bound reprint of The FLOATING BEAR Newsletter edited by LeRoy Jones and Diane DiPrima.(issues 1-27) and the original 45rpm recording of Jackson Mac Low's MILAREPA GATHA (published in Italy) inscribed by Jackson to Dick Higgins. and a first american edition of Horse's Mouth signed by Joyce Cary. Other items include a collection of "underground" comics and a rack of collectible pulps from the 50's & 60's. COME AND VISIT US! YOU WON'T REGRET IT!


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