Thank you for donating your item for the 2023 CBA Benevolent Fund auction. Please fill out this form carefully, as this will generate your catalog listing.
You will need to ship your item(s) to us so that we receive them no later than Monday, November 27. Please ship to: Burnside Rare Books, Attn: Rachel Phillips, 3439 NE Sandy Blvd. #628, Portland, OR 97232. Make sure to include a note or packing slip to identify it as an auction donation.
To drop off items, please deliver to Crooked House Books & Paper, 1602 NE 40th Ave., Portland, OR 97232. Open by appointment or on Saturday, please text/call Scott at (541) 760-2040 to make an appointment.
Donations received so far (this is manually done, and not always up to date):